One or more of the following statements may beapplicable:FCC WARNINGThs equpment generates or uses rado frequency energy. Changesor modfcatons to ths equpment may cause harmful nterferenceunless the modfcatons are expressly approved n the nstructonmanual. The user could lose the authorty to operate ths equpment fan unauthorzed change or modfcaton s made.INFORMATION TO THE DIGITAL DEVICE USER REQUIRED BYTHE FCCThs equpment has been tested and found to comply wth the lmtsfor a Class B dgtal devce, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.These lmts are desgned to provde reasonable protecton aganstharmful nterference n a resdental nstallaton.Ths equpment generates, uses and can generate rado frequencyenergy and, f not nstalled and used n accordance wth the nstructons,may cause harmful nterference to rado communcatons. However,there s no guarantee that the nterference wll not occur n a partcularnstallaton. If ths equpment does cause harmful nterference torado or televson recepton, whch can be determned by turnng theequpment off and on, the user s encouraged to try to correct thenterference by one or more of the followng measures:• Reorent or relocate the recevng antenna.• Increase the separaton between the equpment and recever.• Connect the equpment to an outlet on a crcut dfferent from thatto whch the recever s connected.• Consult the dealer for techncal assstance.