TK-2312/231730ADJUSTMENTFrequency and SignalingThe transceiver has been adjusted for the frequenciesshown in the following table. When required, re-adjust themfollowing the adjustment procedure to obtain the frequen-cies you want in actual operation.■ Frequency (MHz)Channel No. RX Frequency TX Frequency1 155.05000 155.100002 136.05000 136.100003 173.85000 173.900004 155.00000 155.000005 155.20000 155.200006 155.40000 155.400007~16 - -■ SignalingSignaling No. RX (Decode) TX (Encode)1 None None2 None 100Hz Square Wave3 QT 67.0Hz QT 67.0Hz4 QT 151.4Hz QT 151.4Hz5 QT 210.7Hz QT 210.7Hz6 QT 254.1Hz QT 254.1Hz7 DQT D023N DQT D023N8 DQT D754I DQT D754I9 DTMF (Code: 159D) DTMF (Code: 159D)10 None DTMF (Code: 9)11 None MSK (1010)12 FleetSync (100~1000) FleetSync (100~1000)13 None Single Tone (1000Hz)14 2-tone (A: 304.7Hz,B: 3106.0Hz)2-tone (A: 304.7Hz,B: 3106.0Hz)15 None DTMF Tone (1477Hz)16 Single Tone (979.9Hz) Single Tone (979.7Hz)17 None MSK PN918 None DTMF (Code: 3)Preparations for Tuning the TransceiverBefore attempting to tune the transceiver, connect theunit to a suitable power supply.Whenever the transmitter is tuned, the unit must be con-nected to a suitable dummy load (i.e. power meter).The speaker output connector must be terminated witha 8Ω dummy load and connected to an AC voltmeter and anaudio distortion meter or a SINAD measurement meter at alltimes during tuning.■ Adjustment frequency (MHz)TEST CH RX TXLow 136.05000 136.10000Low’ 145.55000 145.50000Center 155.05000 155.10000High’ 164.55000 164.50000High 173.85000 173.90000Adjustment PointsTX-RX UNITConponent side viewBCVINNote: “CVIN” VCO Lock voltage.