6TK-480 OPERATING FEATURES■ Dead Beat DisableIf the D.B.D. code matches, a predetermined action willoccur. Whether option signalling is activated or not, whenD.B.D. matches on any group, the transceiver will becomeTX inhibited or TX/RX inhibited. While D.B.D. is active, if theD.B.D. code + “#” code is received, D.B.D. will disactivate.When D.B.D. matches, transpond will function. Alert willnot be output, and option signalling match icon will not ap-pear.3-2. MSKBuilt-in MSK (DMS : Fleet-ID) decoder is available for op-tion signalling. When the group ID matches, squelch re-mains muted while the station waits for reception of properMSK signal. When MSK signal matches, squelch unmutes.■ AND/ORAND : QT/DQT/ID + MSK to unmute. MSK matches =alert toneOR : QT/DQT/ID to unmute. MSK matches = alert tone4. Alphanumeric Two-way Paging Function(Digital Message System)4-1. GeneralThe Alphanumeric Two-way Paging Function (DMS) is aKenwood proprietary protocol. It enables a variety of pagingfunctions.4-2. ID ConstructionA radio unit ID is defined by a combination of 3-digit Fleetand 4-digit ID numbers. Each radio unit must be assigned itsown Fleet and ID numbers.4-3. PTT IDA pre-programmed unique ID can be sent at the begin-ning of transmission and/or the end of transmission to iden-tify which radio unit is on air.4-4. Selective Call (SELCALL)This is a voice call to a particular individual or group ofstations.■ Example of call types;[100][ALL ] : All the units whose fleet number is “100” are called.[100][1000] : The unit, whose the fleet number is “100” and ID num-ber is “1000”, is called.[ALL][ALL ] : All the units are called.[ALL][1000] : All ID “1000” are called regardless of their fleet number.■ Unit ID Encode BlockEncode ID Block can be set to limit manual dial ID. Theradio unit will not accept an ID other than these IDs whichare entered from the keypad. If Inter-fleet Call is enabled,block ID setting affects each fleet group.4-5. Status MessageUsing a 2-digit number, you can send and receive a Sta-tus message which may be decided in your talk group. EachStatus may be displayed with 16 alphanumeric characters ifprogrammed in the radio. A maximum of 9 received mes-sages can be stored in the stack memory, and it can be re-viewed after reception. If the message memory becomesfull, the oldest one will be erased. The stack memory will becleared by turning radio power off.■ Status 80~99 (Special)Status numbers from 80 to 99 are reserved for specialpurposes. Entering these statuses from the DTMF keypadcan be inhibited.Please notice that the following status numbers are usedfor special purposes;80~89 : Reserved for future use.90 : Remote stun on. Disable the received radio unit’sTX.91 : Remote stun on. Disable the received radio unit’sTX/RX.92 : Cancel remote stun. Enable the received radio unit’sTX/RX.93 : Acknowledgement status sent when the radio unit isin stun mode (TX disabled).94 : Acknowledgement status sent when the radio unit isin stun mode (TX/RX disabled).95~98 : Reserved for future use.99 : Emergency Status.Note : Remote stun works with DTMF D.B.D. function also.■ Automatic Status ResponseIf you pre-select a status number and leave the radio inthe Status Mode, it can automatically respond with the se-lected status number upon request from the base station.(The request function is initiated by serial control on thebase station (Optional).)4-6. Short Messase (Optional)A maximum of 48 characters can be sent (External equip-ment is required). Received Short Messages will be dis-played in the same manner as a Status Message. A maxi-mum of 4 received messages can be stored in the stackmemory. In the Stack Mode, 3-digit LCD indicates the re-ceived Short Message as “M01”~”M04".4-7. Long MessageA maximum of 1024 characters can be sent (Externalequipment is required). Received Long Message will not bedisplayed or stacked in the radio memory but is outputthrough the COM (Data) port.4-8. Emergency FunctionEmergency status 99 will be sent at the beginning ofeach emergency transmission.