7TK-480■ Emergency Status response“Alert” can be selected for the called radio unit’s re-sponse to reception of status 99 which is used as an emer-gency status.4-9. Other Functions■ Manual DialFleet, ID and Status numbers can be entered from DTMFkeypad.■ Data TX with QT/DQTWhether programmed QT/DQT is modulated or not witha data transmission except for Selcall. A radio unit can re-ceive a data message regardless of QT/DQT if the receivingunit is not scanning.■ DMS Baud RateMSK data baud rate setting. The same rate must be setas a communication partner.1200bps :Data communication is made in 1200bps. The communi-cation area is much wider than 2400bps. Recommended forrepeater operation.2400bps :Data communication is made in 2400bps. The communi-cation area is narrower than 1200bps, but it will decreasethe data traffic. Data rate 2400bps may not work properlydepending on the repeater’s characteristic.■ Inter-fleet callInter-Fleet Calls allow a radio of one Fleet number to calla radio with a different Fleet number (radio users can manu-ally dial a Unit ID with a different Fleet number).■ Status/Short/Long Message on Data Group/ChannelStatus/Short/Long Message transmission is madewhether on the Data System/Group.■ Status/Short/Unit ID Message Serial OutputWhether a received Status/Short message or PTT ID isoutputed or not to serial port.4-10. Parameters■ GTC CountNumber of “Go To data Channel” messages to be sentbefore transmitting a data message if it is being made onData System/Group. If a radio unit receives a GTC message,it will move to the Data System/Group of the current sys-tem. Increase this item to make sure the called radio unitmoves to the Data System/Group.■ Random Access (Contention)When a channel is busy, radio unit will not transmit (de-pending on its Busy Channel Lockout setting). As soon as achannel is cleared, some transmissions may crash. Randomaccess is used to avoid this by employing a random trans-mission sequence.■ Number of RetriesNumber of Retries is the maximum number of retrytransmission when no acknowledgement is received in theMaximum ACK Wait Time. Increase this item to improvedata communication reliability.■ TX Busy Wait TimeTX Busy Wait Time is the maximum amount of time be-fore giving up the data transmission when the channel isbusy. Also, this timer affects if it expires during RandomAccess period.■ Maximum ACK Wait TimeMaximum ACK Wait Time is the maximum amount oftime to wait for an acknowledgement from the called radiounit. It is used as an interval time of retries. It must be setgreater than the ACK Delay Time of the called radio unit.■ ACK Delay TimeACK Delay Time is the amount of time from the end ofreceiving a data to the beginning of sending anacknowledgement. It should be adjusted as the repeater’shang-up delay time. Also, it must be set less than the Maxi-mum ACK Wait Time of the calling radio unit.■ TX Delay Time (RX Capture)TX Delay Time is the amount of unmodulated transmis-sion to let the called unit stop scanning or exit its batterysave mode. It is used only when starting a data communica-tion sequence.■ Data TX Modulation Delay TimeData TX Modulation Delay Time is the amount of timefrom the beginning of transmission to the beginning of adata modulation. It is used every time data is transmitted.OPERATING FEATURES