3Do not use glue which is designed to prevent screw loosening wheninstalling the belt clip. Acrylic ester, which is contained in theseglues, may crack the transceiver’s back panel.inStAlling the cAp over the univerSAl connectorinStAlling the Belt clipAttach the belt clip using thesupplied 3 x 8 mm screws.Note: If the belt clip is notinstalled, its mounting locationmay get hot during continuoustransmission or when left sitting ina hot environment.Insert the cap into place over theuniversal connector and secureit in place using the attachedscrew.inStAlling the (optionAl) SpeAker/ microphone or heAdSet1 Insert the guide of thespeaker/ microphone orheadset connector into placeover the universal connector.2 Secure the connector in placeusing the attached screw.Note: When not using an optionalspeaker/ microphone or headset,install the cap over the universalconnector.3 x 8 mm screwsBelt clip12ABC47GHI3DEFMICUniversalconnector cap1?2? ABC?5?JKL?0?8?TUV?4?7?GHI?PQRS?3?DEF?6?MNO?MIC?#?9?WXYZ?Optionalspeaker/ microphone