5.Nowselectthedesiredupper tuninglimitusingtheMHzkeyand tuningcontrol,ormicrophoneUP/DWNswitches.WithourexampleTM-241wewanttheupperbandlimittobeinthe145MHzband,andthereforedialup145.100 MHz.6. Press the F key for longer than 1 second.indicator will again begin flashing.7.PresstheSHIFT/ALkeywithin10 seconds.AlongbeepwillsoundandtheFindicatorwillturnoffinthe display. This indicatesthat theupperlimithasbeenstoredinmemory.The FPress the key for longer than1 second.8.Toconfirmthat theprogrammingwas_properlyperformedrotate thetuning controlorpress theUP/DWNswitches. The transceiver shouldnotgoaboveorbelowtheprogrammedbandlimits.9. To clear both programmed limits simultaneously youshould initialize the VFO memory using theprocedures discussed on page 21. You can reprogrameither limit independently by following theappropriate instructions above.5-2-5 ALT (TM-541A/541E only)The ALT system operates similar to an AFC (AutomaticFrequency Control) system. This system is useful whenthe frequency of either station starts to drift. When thisoccurs distortion of the signal is the usual result. TheALT system will detect the drift and shift the frequencyto compensate.To activate the ALT function1. Press the F key momentarily. The F indicator will turnon in the display.2. While the F indicator is on press the DR/DT/ALT key.The ALT indicator will turn on and the receiver willautomatically center itself on the incoming signal. !Turns on when the transmitfrequency of the distantstation is lower than yourreceive frequency.Turns on when the transmitfrequency of the distantstation is higher than yourreceive frequency.| Note:The frequency display will not actually change, even though the |receive frequency might shift in order to properly tune theincoming signal. When the ALT system is operating the Directionindicator in the display will turn on to signal a change in thereceiver frequency. The direction indicator will show you if theincoming signal was higher or lower than the displayed frequency.3.To release the ALT function press the F keymomentarily and then the DR/DT/ALT key.19 PreviousNext |