5-6-5 Autopatch Operations (U.S.A. versionsonly)Some repeaters offer a service known as autopatch. Thisfeature allows you to dial a telephone number fromyour transceiver and carry out a telephone conversion,much like a car telephone, or cellular telephone. Thisfunction requires the use of a DTMF (Dual Tone MultiFrequency) pad. The MC-44DM microphone providesthe normal keys you would have on your telephone athome, as well as 4 additional keys. the A,B,C, and Dkeys. These keys are used for control operator of the re-peater to see if they offer autopatch services.To activate the keypad:1. Press and hold the PTT key.2.Pressthekeysjustlikeyouwoulddialyour telephoneathome.3.Thetransceiverwillremain keyedforapproximately2secondsafteryoupress eachnumber,soyou canre-lease thePTTswitchwithoutunkeyingthe transceiv-er.Note:;Somerepeaterswillrequire the useofaspecialkeyisequencetoactivate theAutopatchfunction.You|should checkwithyourcontro!operatorforthis|sequence.305-7. TONE /CTCSS OPERATIONWith the use of the optional! Sub-Audible tone decoderunit (TSU-6) you will be able to operate in a Tone Oper-ated Squelch Mode. When this option is installed andthe CTCSS function has been activated the radio will notopen squelch until the proper PL tone is received.PresstheTONE/T.ALTkey andselect thedesiredTonemode.WhentheTindicatorappearsinthedisplaythetransmitterwilltransmitthe desiredtone.WhentheCTCSSindicatorappearsinthedisplaythetransceiverwilltransmitthedesiredtone andwillalsooperateintheTone Squelch mode.i.e.squelchwillnotopenuntilthesametoneisreceivedasaportionoftheincomingreceivesignal.Whenno indicatorison the radiowillnotmakeuseofeithertonefeature.Noindicator?TCTCSSA |Note:EveniftheTSU-6isnotinstalled,tone signals can betransmitted,sothe tone squelchof the othertrans-ceiver can be opened.