296PROGRAMMING OFFSETFirst select band A or B by pressing the left or right[BAND SEL]. To recall the sub-band next, press [F],then the same [BAND SEL].n Selecting Offset DirectionSelect whether the transmit frequency will be higher(+) or lower (–) than the receive frequency.Press [F], [SHIFT] to switch the offset direction.• “+” or “–” appears to indicate which offset direction isselected.• To program –7.6 MHz offset on the TM-D700E (UHFonly), repeatedly press [F], [SHIFT] until “=” appears.If the offset transmit frequency falls outside theallowable range, transmitting is inhibited. Use one ofthe following methods to bring the transmit frequencywithin the band limits:• Move the receive frequency further inside the band.• Change the offset direction.Note: While using an odd-split memory channel or transmitting, youcannot change the offset direction.n Selecting Offset FrequencyTo access a repeater which requires an odd-splitfrequency pair, change the offset frequency from thedefault which is used by most repeaters. The defaultoffset frequency on the VHF band is 600 kHz nomatter which market version; the default on the UHFband is 5 MHz (TM-D700A) or 1.6 MHz (TM-D700E).1 Press [MNU] to enter Menu mode.2 Press [ccccc]/ [ddddd] to select “RADIO (1–)”, then press[OK].3 Press [ccccc]/ [ddddd] to select “REPEATER (1–7–)”,then press [OK].4 Press [ccccc]/ [ddddd] to select “OFFSET FREQUENCY(1–7–1)”, then press [OK].5 Press [ccccc]/ [ddddd] to select the appropriate offsetfrequency.• The selectable range is from 0.00 MHz to 29.95 MHzin steps of 50 kHz.6 Press [OK] to complete the setting.7 Press [MNU] to exit Menu mode.TM-D700E Only: If you have selected “ =” for the offset direction,you cannot change the default (7.6 MHz).Note: After changing the offset frequency, the new offset frequencywill also be used by Automatic Repeater Offset.