377CLEARING A MEMORY CHANNELUse the following procedure to clear an individualmemory channel. Full Reset {page 41} is a quick way toclear all memory channels.1 Recall the desired memory channel.2 Switch OFF the power to the transceiver.3 Press [MHz] (Tuning control)+ POWER ON.• A confirmation message appears.• To quit clearing the memory channel, press [ESC].4 Press [OK].Note:uIf you have recalled a memory channel on the non-control band (A orB), you cannot select the same channel on the control band to clear.uWhen in Channel Display mode, you cannot clear any memorychannel.RECALLING A MEMORY CHANNEL1 Select band A or B.2 Press [MR] to enter Memory Recall mode.• The memory channel used last is recalled.3 Turn the Tuning control, or press Mic [UP]/ [DWN], toselect the desired memory channel.• You cannot recall an empty memory channel.• To restore VFO mode, press [VFO].If using a MC-53DM, you can also use its keypad torecall a desired memory channel. First program one ofthe Mic PF keys as the ENTER key {page 62}. InMemory Recall mode press [ENTER], then enter thechannel number. To recall channel 3, for example, press[ENTER], [0], [0], [3].Note:uWhen you recall an odd-split memory channel, “±” appears on thedisplay. Press [REV] to display the transmit frequency.uAfter recalling a memory channel, you may program data such asTone or CTCSS. These settings, however, are cleared once youselect another channel or the VFO mode. To permanently store thedata, overwrite the channel contents {page 36}.