1543 Press [OK].• The information of the selected station appears.• Depending on the types of stations, different types ofinformation will appear. For details, see the next page.Note:uWhen data from the 41st station is received, the oldest data inmemory is replaced by that data.uEach time a new APRS packet is received from the same station, theold data from that station (in memory) is replaced by new data.When APRS data is received with a GPS receiverconnected, included position data is sent to the receiver,using the NMEA-0183 $GPWPL format (or Magellanformat). This data is registered in the Waypoint List of thereceiver. Access Menu 3–3 (WAYPOINT) and select thenumber of characters to be input. You can select 6 to 9digits for NMEA, 6 digits for Magellan, DGPS, or OFF(default) . With NMEA 6 digits selected, the right 6characters of the call sign is used as a name (ex. for KJ6HC-3, J6HC-3). Select DGPS to input differential position data toa DGPS-compatible receiver if it is connected.ACCESSING RECEIVED APRS DATAThis transceiver is capable of receiving and storingAPRS data received from up to 40 stations in memory.You can easily recall the information of the desiredstation.1 Press [F] (1 s), [LIST].• The list of stations appears.• The numbers beside the call signs indicate the order inwhich data is received. The data received last isassigned 1.2 Press [ccccc]/ [ddddd] to select the desired station using thecursor (s).SituationehtfotsilehtsyalpsiD.snoitats5suoiverpehtfotsilehtsyalpsiD.snoitats5txenehtserotseR.yalpsidycneuqerftnerrucehtseteleD.noitatsrosrucehtsevoM.drawpurosrucehtsevoM.drawnwodyrtneegassemswollA noitatstnerrucehtot.}03egap{ DNABtfel()LES.snoitatsllaseteleD.snoitatsfotsilehtserotseRtnerrucehtfonoitamrofnieritneehtseteleD .noitats/ .snoitatsrehtoehtfonoitamrofniehtsyalpsiDnoitatstnerrucehtotyrtneegassemswollA .}03egap{deviecerrofetaddnaemitneewtebsehctiwS.atad