184SELECTING YOUR STATION ICONSelect an icon which will be displayed on the monitors ofother stations as your ID. You may select an icondepending on your current location.1 Press [MNU] to enter Menu mode.2 Press [ccccc]/ [ddddd] to select “STATION ICON (3–8)”, thenpress [OK].3 Press [ccccc]/ [ddddd] to select from 15 icons plus“OTHERS”, then press [OK].• The following 15 icons are selectable:4 Press [MNU] to exit Menu mode.APRS supports approximately 200 icons. It allows usersto select each icon by specifying a combination of twoASCII codes, for example, ! and /. One is a symbolcode, and the other is a table identification code (either /or \). If you select “OTHERS” in step 3, use the followingprocedures:4 Press [ccccc]/ [ddddd] to select a symbol code, then press[OK].5 Press [ccccc]/ [ddddd] to select a table identification code,then press [OK].• For icons that can include overlay characters, 0 ~ 9 andA ~ Z are also selectable.6 Press [MNU] to exit Menu mode.Note: Because the icon code table is occasionally revised, download thelatest icon code table from Mr. Bruninga's Web page (http://web.usna.navy.mil/~bruninga/aprs.html). Click on “DOWNLOAD APRS”on its home page, then download APRSnnn.zip from the FTP directorywhere nnn is a 3-digit number. After uncompressing the zip file, you willfind a created README directory. Open and see Symbols.txt under thisdirectory.DOOWNEK tfarcriA noitaerceRelcihevemoH taoB kcurTelbatroP)tnet( raC naVthcaY elcycrotoM releehw81VTSS peeJ retaepigiD