APRS-17SETTING AS A DIGIPEATER■ DIGIPEATEnter Menu mode and access Menu 616.When using the TM-D710 as a digipeater, set whetheror not you digipeat a packet which includes yourcallsign in the packet path.In the received packet path, if you have set yourcallsign in MY CALLSIGN (Menu No. 600), the digipeatcompletion flag ( ) is added to your callsign and willthen process the relay. (For example, “JA1YKX-1” >“JA1YKX-1 ”.)■ UICHECKEnter Menu mode and access Menu 617.This function will not relay a one-time received UI framewithin the set UICHECK time. This is effective for each ofUIDIGI, UIFOOD, and UITRACE.UI frame (Unnumbered Information frame)Data can be transferred and the APRS beacon, etc., canbe used without making a connection. UIDIGI, UIFLOOD,and UITRACE are all specialized UI frame relay processingmodes.■ UIDIGIEnter Menu mode and access Menu 618.When using the TM-D710 as a digipeater, set whetheror not UI digipeat is run.When receiving a UI frame that matches your enteredcharacter string alias (RELAY, WIDE 1-1, etc.) of thebeginning part of the packet path that has not yet beendigipeated, the digipeat completion flag ( ) is added toyour callsign (the callsign you set up in MY CALLSIGN)and the relay will begin processing. (For example“WIDE 1-1” > “JA1YKX-1 ”, etc.)1 Rotate the Tuning control to switch the function ON,then press the Tuning control.2 Rotate the Tuning control to select “ALIASES”, thenpress the Tuning control.• The display for entering a path appears; the first digitblinks.• You can enter 0 to 9, A to Z, , (comma), and –.■ UIFLOODWhen using the TM-D710 as a digipeater, set whetheror not UIFLOOD digipeat runs.When the received UI Frame character string matchesthe entered alias (for example, CA), the number ofhops (for example, 2-2) is processed and decreased by1 (for example, CA2-2 becomes CA2-1).Enter Menu mode and access Menu 619.1 Set UIFLOOD to [ON] or [OFF].2 Press the Tuning control.• You enter Alias Setting mode.3 Enter the UIFLOOD alias.• When running UIFLOOD digipeat, set the characterstring of the alias that is used.4 Press the Tuning control.• You enter UIFLOOD SUBSTITUTION Setting mode.5 Set one of [ID], [NOID], or [FIRST].[ID]: Your station callsign is embedded. When there isalready a callsign in the relayed UI frame, your stationcallsign will replace the existing callsign.[NOID]: The callsign is not embedded or replaced.[FIRST]: When there is no callsign in the relayed UIframe, your station callsign is embedded. When there isalready a callsign in the relayed UI frame, the callsign isnot embedded or replaced.