Kenwood TRC-80 Instruction Manual
Also see for TRC-80: Instruction manualService manual
MAINTENANCEThe radiotelephone has been factory aligned and testedto specification before shipment. Under normalcircumstances, the radiotelephone will operate inaccordance with these operating instructions. Alladjustable trimmers, coils and resistors in theradiotelephone were preset at the factory. They shouldonly be readjusted by a qualified technician who isfamiliar with this radiotelephone and has the necessarytest equipment. Attempting service or alignment withoutfactory authorization can void the radiotelephonewarranty.When operated properly, the radiotelephone will provideyears of service without requiring further realignment.The information in this section gives some generalservice procedures requiring little or no test equipment.SERVICEIf it is ever necessary to return the equipment to yourDealer or Service Center for repair, pack theradiotelephone in its original box and packing material.Include a full description of the problems experienced.Include both your telephone number and fax number (ifavailable) along with your name and address in casethe service technician needs to call for furtherexplanation while investigating the problem. Don'treturn accessory items unless you feel they are directlyrelated to the service problem.You may return the radiotelephone for service to theauthorized KENWOOD Dealer from whom youpurchased it or any authorized KENWOOD servicecenter. A copy of the service report will be returned withthe radiotelephone. Please do not send subassembliesor printed circuit boards. Send the completeradiotelephone.Tag all returned items with your name for identification.Please mention the model and serial number of theradiotelephone in any communication regarding theproblem.SERVICENOTEIf you desire to correspondon a technical or operationalproblem, please make your note short, complete, and tothe point. Help us help you by providingthe following:1 Model and serial number of equipment2 Question or problem you are having3 Other equipment in your station pertainingto theproblem4 Meter readings5 Other related information(Menu setup, mode,frequency,button sequenceto induce malfunction,etc.)CAUTION: Do not pack the equipment in crushed newspapers forshipment! Extensive damage may result during rough handling orshipping.Note:. Record the date of purchase, serial number and Dealer fromwhom the radiotelephone was purchased.. For your own information, retain a written record of anymaintenance performed on the radiotelephone.. When claiming warranty service, please include a photocopy ofthe bill of sale, or other proof-of-purchase showing the date ofsale.CLEANINGThe buttons, controls and case of the radiotelephoneare likely to become soiled after extended use. Removethe controls from the radiotelephone and clean themwith a neutral detergent and warm water. Use a neutraldetergent (no strong chemicals) and a damp cloth toclean the case.15 |
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