Kenwood TRC-80 Instruction Manual
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MOBilEINSTAllATIONInstall the radiotelephone in a safe, convenient positioninside your vehicle that minimizes danger to yourpassengers and yourself while the vehicle is in motion.For example, consider installing the radiotelephoneunder the dash in front of the passenger seat so thatknees or legs willnot strike the radiotelephone duringsudden braking of your vehicle. Try to pick a well-ventilated location that is shielded from direct sunlight.ANTENNACONNECTIONBefore operating mobile, you must first install anefficient, well-tuned antenna. The success of yourmobile installation willdepend largely on the type ofantenna and its correct installation. The radiotelephonecan give excellent results ifthe antenna system and itsinstallation is given careful attention.Your choice of antenna should have a 50 Q impedanceto match the radiotelephone input impedance. Use low-loss coaxial feed line that also has a characteristicimpedance of 50 Q. Coupling the antenna to theradiotelephone via feed lines having an impedanceother than 50 Q reduces the efficiency of the antennasystem, and can cause interference to nearby broadcasttelevision receivers, radio receivers, and other electronicequipment.CAUTION: Transmitting without first connecting an antenna or othermatched load may damage the radiotelephone. Always connect theantenna to the radiotelephone before transmitting.DCPOWERCABLECONNECTIONRoute the DC power cable supplied with theradiotelephone directly to the vehicle's battery terminalsusing the shortest path from the radiotelephone. Ifusing a noise filter, it should be installed with aninsulator to prevent it from touching metal on thevehicle. It is not recommended to use the cigarettelighter socket since some cigarette lighter socketsintroduce an unacceptable voltage drop.To prevent the risk of short circuits, disconnect otherwiring from the negative H battery terminal beforeconnecting the radiotelephone. Confirm the correctpolarity of the connections before attaching the powercable; red connects to the positive (+) terminal, blackconnects to the negative (-) terminal. Use the fulllength of the cable without cutting off excess even ifthecable is longer than required. In particular, neverTo antennaremove the fuse holdersfrom the cable. Aftercompleting radiotelephone connections to the battery,then reconnect any wiring removed from the negativeterminal.Ifthe power cable must be routed through a hole in thevehicle chassis or body, for example in the firewall at thefront of the passenger compartment, use a rubbergrommet to protect the cable from abrasion. The entirelength of the cable must be dressed so it is isolated fromheat and moisture. After the cable is in place, windheat-resistant tape around the fuse holder to protect itfrom moisture. Tie down the full run of cable.The vehicle battery must have a nominal rating of 12 V.Never connect the radiotelephone to a 24 V battery. Besure to use a 12 V vehicle battery that has sufficientcurrent capacity. If the current to the radiotelephone isinsufficient, the Display may darken during transmission,or transmit output power may drop excessively.Only after completing the installation, connect theradiotelephone's power supply connector to the DCpower cable. Press the connectors firmly together untilthe locking tab clicks.Note: If you use the radiotelephone for a long period when thevehicle battery is not fully charged, or when the engine is OFF, thebattery may become discharged, and will not have sufficient reservesto start the vehicle. Avoid using the radiotelephone under theseconditions.. ReplacingFusesIf the fuse blows, determine the cause then correctthe problem. Refer to additional informationincluding fuse ratings on page 2.CAUTION: Replace blown fuses only after investigating andcorrecting the cause of the failed fuse. Always replace a blownfuse by a new fuse with the specified ratings.GROUNDCONNECTIONFor a mobileinstallation,itis extremelyimportanttosecurely connect a low-resistanceground strap fromtheradiotelephoneGNDterminalto the metal vehiclechassis. This connection is necessary since mobileantennas are physicallysmall and, therefore, lessefficientthan larger base station antennas. Ifa strap isnot available,a large gauge copper wireis suitable.Alwaysclean paintor dirtfromthe vehicleconnectionpointand expose bare metal before connectingtheground. Ahigh-qualityground installationsignificantlyimprovesthe performanceof a mobileantenna.Fuses-Vehiclechassis ground TRC-BO= Red12V battery3 |
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