COMPUTERCONTROLCOMMANDSA summary of the command library for communicationbetween a computer and the TRC-BO is included in thissection.ERRORMESSAGESIn addition to the Answer Command, the radiotelephonecan send the following error messages:COMMANDUSEPRECAUTIONS1 The control characters00 to 1Fh are ignored whenincluded in receivedata.2 Program executionmay be delayed while turning theCHANNEL selector rapidly.A3Command FunctionAC Antenna Tuner THRU/IN LINE, andtuning START/CANCELAG Sets or reads AF gain.BY Reads Busy signals.ID Readsmodel numberof the radiotelephone.IF Reads status of the radiotelephone.LO Returns control from the computer backto the radiotelephone.MC Sets or reads channels.MD Sets or reads modes.MG Sets or reads MIC gain (High/Low).MR Reads memory....MX Sets or reads AlP (OFF/ON).NB Sets or reads Noise Blanker (OFF/ON).PC Sets or reads transmit power.PS Sets or reads power (OFF/ON).PT Sets or reads the pitch frequency.RC Clears Clarifier frequency.RD Lowers Clarifier frequency.RU Raises Clarifier frequency.RX Selects receive mode.SC Sets or reads Scan (OFF/ON).SD Sets or reads Semi Break-in delay time.SM S-meter and TX RF meter readingsSO Sets or reads squelch level.TX Selects transmit mode.VD Sets or reads VOX delay time.VX Sets VOX (OFF/ON).Error ReasonforErrorMessage? . Commandsyntaxwas incorrect.., . Command was not executed due tothe current status of theradiotelephone (even though thecommand syntax was correct).Note: Occasionally this message may notappear due to microprocessor transients in theradiotelephone.E; A communication error occurred suchas an overrun or framing error during aserial data transmission.0; Receive data was sent but processingwas not completed.