3 Language Dictionary148 Keysight Models 6811C, 6812C, and 6813C Programming GuidePHASe:AUXiliaryKeysight 6812C/6813C Option 026 onlyThis command sets the phase of the auxiliary output voltage waveform relative toan internal reference. The phase angle is programmed in degrees. Positive phaseangles are used to program the leading phase, and negative phase angles areused to program the lagging phase.PHASe:MODEThis command determines how the output phase is controlled during a triggeredoutput transient. The choices are as follows:– FIXed: The output phase is unaffected by a triggered output transient.– STEP: The output phase is programmed to the value set by PHASe:TRIGgeredwhen a triggered transient occurs.– PULSe: The output phase is changed to the value set by PHASe:TRIGgered fora duration determined by the pulse commands.– LIST: The output phase is controlled by the phase list when a triggeredtransient occurs.Command syntax [SOURce:]PHASe:AUXiliary[:ADJust|:IMMediate] Parameters –360 through +360 (degrees) | MAXimum | MINimum*RST value 0Examples PHAS:AUX 90 PHAS:AUX MAXQuery syntax [SOURce:]PHASe:AUXiliary[:ADJust|:IMMediate]?Returned parameters Related commands VOLT:AUXCommand syntax [SOURce:]PHASe:MODE Parameters FIXed | STEP | PULSe | LIST*RST value FIXedExamples PHAS:MODE LIST PHAS:MODE FIXQuery syntax [SOURce:]PHASe:MODE?Returned parameters Related commands PHAS PHAS:TRIG