Keysight EXG and MXG X-Series Signal Generators User’s Guide 107Optimize PerformanceUsing an Output Offset, Reference, or MultiplierSetting an Output ReferenceUsing an output reference, the signal generator can output a frequency or amplitude that is offset(positive or negative) by the entered value from a chosen reference value.RF Output = reference value + entered valueTo set a reference:1. Set the frequency or amplitude to the value you want as the output reference level.2. Frequency: Press Frequency > Freq Ref SetThe frequency displays 0.00 Hz, indicating that this is the RF output frequency “zero level.”All frequencies entered are interpreted as being relative to this reference frequency.Amplitude: Press Amptd > More > Amptd Ref SetThe amplitude displays 0.00 dB, indicating that this is the RF output amplitude “zero level.”All amplitudes entered are interpreted as being relative to this reference amplitude.ExamplesParameter Example#1Example#2Example#3 CommentsReference: 50 MHz 50 MHz 2 GHz A reference value must be positive.Entered (and displayed)Value:2 MHz −2 MHz −1 GHz The entered value can be positive or negative.Output Frequency: 52 MHz 48 MHz 1 GHz The signal generator alerts you if the output frequency oramplitude is out of range.IF AmplifierRF Amplifier Mixer FilterSignal Generator(local oscillator)Output Frequency = 1000 MHzIF = 321 MHzAntenna tuned to 1321 MHzSelected Offset321 MHz−679 MHzSIgnal Generator Display1321 MHz (AntennaFrequency)321 MHz (IF Output)IF Output321 MHzIndicates that a reference is on