4 Keysight EXG and MXG X-Series Signal Generators User’s GuideSignal Generator OverviewModes of OperationDigital Modulation (Vector Models with Option 65x Only)In this mode, the signal generator modulates a CW signal with an arbitrary I/Q waveform. I/Qmodulation is only available on vector models. An internal baseband generator (Option 65x) addsthe following digital modulation formats:— Custom Arb Waveform Generator mode can produce a single–modulated carrier or multiple–modulated carriers. Each modulated carrier waveform must be calculated and generated beforeit can be output; this signal generation occurs on the internal baseband generator. Once awaveform has been created, it can be stored and recalled, which enables repeatable playback oftest signals. To learn more, refer to “Using the Arbitrary Waveform Generator” on page 379.— Custom Real-Time Waveform Generator mode can produce a single–modulated carrier ormultiple–modulated carriers. Each modulated carrier waveform must be calculated andgenerated before it can be output; this signal generation occurs on the internal basebandgenerator. Once a waveform has been created, it can be stored and recalled, which enablesrepeatable playback of test signals. To learn more, refer to “Using the Arbitrary WaveformGenerator” on page 379.— Multitone mode produces up to 64 continuous wave signals (or tones). Like the Two Tone mode,the frequency spacing between the signals and the amplitudes are adjustable. To learn more,refer to “Creating a Custom Multitone Waveform” on page 412.— Two–tone mode produces two separate continuous wave signals (or tones). The frequencyspacing between the signals and the amplitudes are adjustable. To learn more, refer to Chapter17, “Multitone and Two-Tone Waveforms (Option 430).”.— Dual ARB mode is used to control the playback sequence of waveform segments that have beenwritten into the ARB memory located on the internal baseband generator. These waveforms canbe generated by the internal baseband generator using the Custom Arb Waveform Generatormode, or downloaded through a remote interface into the ARB memory. To learn more, refer to“Dual ARB Player” on page 187.