Keysight N9010A EXA Service Guide 361Front Panel/Motherboard TroubleshootingA1 Front Panel AssemblyA1 Front Panel AssemblyThe major components of the A1 Front Frame Assembly are the A1A2 FrontPanel Interface Board, A1A3 LCD, A1A4 LCD Inverter Board/DC-DC Converter,and the A1A5 Front Panel USB Interface Board, all of which are serviceable asindividual components.The A1 assembly is used to display the measurement results, accept user inputvia the keyboard, and connect USB peripheral devices.A1A2 Front Panel Interface BoardThe A1A2 Front Panel Interface board is serviced as an assembly only; nocomponent level repair is supported.The Front Panel Interface Board contains LCD control, Inverter drive, audioamplifiers, internal speaker, a 4 port USB hub, and a USB keyboardmicrocontroller.The two different front panel rubber keypads attach to the back side of theboard, which has the keyboard contacts printed on the reverse side.The 4 ports from the USB hub contained on this board go to the 2 front panelUSB connectors, the keyboard microcontroller, and the fourth port is unused.A1A3 LCDThe LCD used is an 8.4 inch XGA TFT display, which as a resolution of 1024 x768. It has two backlights that are not individually replaceable.A1A4 LCD Inverter Board/DC-DC ConverterThe Inverter Board provides the high voltage required by the LCD backlightsused on older EXA’s. Newer EXA’s us a DC-DC Converter to power the LEDbacklights.A1A5 Front Panel USB Interface BoardThe Front Panel USB Interface Board provides the front panel USBconnections.