15Fig. 8. View of the device manager window together with the installedP43 transducer, which the port COM6 is assigned to.Transducer Configuration by Means of the LPConSoftwareThe LPCon software is destined for the configuration of the P43 trans-ducer. One must connect the transducer to the PC computer throughthe PD10 converter or directly through the USB link and after choosingthe Option-> Connection configuration, configure the connection (fig.9.). For direct connection, through USB: address 1, baud rate 9600 kb/s,mode RTU 8N2, timeout 1000 ms and the suitable COM port under whichthe controller of the P43 transducer has been installed or through theRS-485 interface and the PD10 programmer: address, baud rate, andthe mode acc. to the installed in the transducer.