Add To Trip: the selected destination isadded to the end of the current trip.5. Tap the large GO button on the right tobegin navigating and return to the Mapscreen.Note: if the panned position does notmatch an existing street address (i.e. thedestination is not along a road or streetthat is stored in the map database), theguidance will stop on the road that isclosest to your destination. A dashedline to your final destination will then bedisplayed on the map.Current Location ScreenThe Current Location screen displays theapproximate address of your current position,the next and previous intersections, yourlatitude, longitude, heading and elevation.Accessing the Current Location Screen1. From the Map screen tap on the currentposition icon.Saving Your Current Location to YourAddress Book1. From the Map screen tap on the currentposition icon .2. Tap Save.3. Edit information:(optional) If you want to save thislocation to the OneTouch menu as wellas the address book, check the Add toOneTouch box.4. Tap the Name field and use the keypad toenter a name for the Address Book entry.(optional) Tap List Categories to select acategory for this address. New categoriescan be added from the Select Categoryfrom List screen by tapping the +Addbutton.5. When the details for this address areacceptable, tap .6. If you have selected to save this point tothe OneTouch menu, you need to selecta button for the entry.Maneuver List (Itinerary)This screen is accessed from the Map screenand is available only when routing.Each line in the Maneuver List provides detailsabout the maneuvers in the order that theyare to be made, with the next maneuver at thetop.Accessing the Maneuver List1. When actively on a route, tap themaneuver icon in the top left corner ofthe Map screen.Avoiding a ManeuverThis is used to modify the route to possiblyavoid routing on a particular street.1. Access the Maneuver List.2. Tap the Avoid icon for the maneuveryou want to avoid.3. Tap Yes to confirm.4. The Magellan RoadMate receiverrecalculates the route and the Map screenis displayed.