6. The GO screen appears with the addressof the selected location, the estimatedtime of arrival (ETA), the distance totravel, and the routing method (e.g.Fastest Time).(optional) Tap Options if you want tochange the routing method.(optional) Tap on to preview the route.7. Tap the large GO button on the rightto return to the Map screen and beginrouting.Tip: If you know that you will use adestination later, before tapping theorange button you can tap Save to save itin your Address Book or in the OneTouchmenu.Tips on Entering Addresses Quickly• When you are entering the name of a cityor a street, Magellan software only displaysthose characters that appear in possiblesearch results. The other characters aregrayed out.• When entering city names or street names,tap the List button after a couple of letters;Magellan software lists the items thatcontain the specified characters.• You can also search by ZIP codes. Thisnarrows the number of matching cities tonormally less then four.IntersectionsCreating a Destination to an IntersectionWhen the street number is not known, anintersecting street can pinpoint the location.1. From the Main Menu, tap the Intersectionicon.2. Enter City:You have three ways to do this:To select the city from the list of previouscities, tap the Previous button.To enter a new city: use the keyboardto enter the first few characters of anysignificant word in the city name. If thecity you are entering appears in the topfield you can tap on the city name or .At any time you can tap on the Listbutton to bring up a list of cities thatbegin with the characters you entered.Tap to select the city from the list.To enter a ZIP code: if needed, tap theZip Code button to switch to the numerickeyboard. Enter the ZIP code. Tap tobring up a list of cities with the zip codeentered.3. Enter Street name:With the city selected, the keyboard willbe displayed prompting you for the streetname.Use the keyboard to enter the streetname. It is not necessary to enteraccented characters. Enter the first fewcharacters of any significant word in thestreet name and tap the or continueentering characters until the list of streetsis displayed.Tap on the street name from the list.4. Enter the second street:Enter the name of the second street asyou did the first street.5. A screen appears with the address of theselected location, the estimated time ofarrival (ETA), the distance to travel, andthe routing method (e.g. Fastest Time).