Map ScreenThe most commonly used screen is the Mapscreen. Whether you are following a route orjust traveling around a city, the chances arethat the Map screen will be displayed. The Mapscreen can be displayed in two unique modes:normal and routing.In normal mode, your position is shown onthe map along with the time. As you travel,your position will be updated, giving you aclear view of your position and surroundingstreets.(A) Current location.(B) Information display. Displays speed, timeof day, elevation, compass direction. Tap onthe information field to change.(C) Zoom Out/In.(D) Access Main Menu.(E) Access Highway POIs (displayed onlywhile on a highway).(F) Access volume controls.(G) Access Bluetooth functions.(H) Access OneTouch Menu. OneTouch Menugives you instant access to your saved searchcriteria and favorite destinations.In routing mode additional information isdisplayed providing detailed information aboutthe route you have selected.(A) Turn instructions for next maneuver. Tapto display the maneuver list (available onlywhen routing). Distance and road name forthe next maneuver. Tap to repeat last voiceinstruction.(B) Speed limit(C) Information display. Displays speed, timeof day, elevation, compass direction. Whilerouting it also can also display distance todestination, estimated time of arrival (ETA),and time remaining. Tap on the informationfield to change.(D) Zoom in and zoom out controls to changethe map scale.(E) Access Main Menu.(F) Access the list of nearest Highway ExitPOIs (available only when driving on ahighway/freeway/interstate).(G) Access volume controls.(H) Access Bluetooth functions.(I) Access OneTouch Menu. OneTouch Menugives you instant access to your saved searchcriteria and favorite destinations.ABCDEFGABCDEFGHHI