2.1 IDENTIFICATION OF THE MACHINEThe label located near the battery housing hasthe essential data of each machine.1. Acoustic power level according todirective 2000/14/CE2. Conformity mark according todirective 98/37/EEC3. Year of manufacture4. Engine speed in r.p.m (if indicated)5. Type of machine6. Serial number7. Weight in kg8. Name and address of manufacturer9. Type of transmission (if indicated)2.2 IDENTIFICATION OF MAIN COMPONENTSThe main components of the machine have the following functions:11. Cutting deck: this is the guard housing the rotating blades.12. Blades: these are what cut the grass.The wings at the ends help convey thecut grass towards the collector chan-nel.13. Collector channel: this is the part con-necting the cutting deck to the grass-catcher.14. Grass-catcher: as well as collectingIDENTIFICATION OF THE MACHINE AND COMPONENTS 7EN2. IDENTIFICATION OF THE MACHINE AND COMPONENTS16 17 19 18 15 1411 12 13L WAdBkgS/Nmin -18 5 4 73 9 6 2 1Write your machine’s serialnumber here (6)✍