5-12 Problem SolvingProblems with Application SoftwareIf you have problems with application software, perform the following:! Verify that the software is properly configured for the system. Refer to the softwareinstallation and operation documentation for instructions on setting up and using thesoftware.! Verify a different copy of the software to see if the problem is with the copy that youare using.! Make sure all cables are installed correctly.! Verify that the system board jumpers are set correctly. Refer to the “ConfiguringYour System” chapter for jumper settings.! If other software runs correctly on the system, contact your vendor about the failingsoftware.If the problem persists, contact the software vendor's customer service representativefor assistance.Bootable CD-ROM Is Not DetectedCheck the following:! Is the BIOS set to allow the CD-ROM to be the first bootable device? Check yourBIOS Setup (F2) configuration.Problems with the NetworkDiagnostics pass, but the connection fails:! Make sure the network cable is securely attached.The controller stopped working when an add-in adapter was installed:! Make sure the cable is connected to the port from the onboard network controller.! Make sure the other adapter supports shared interrupts. Also, make sure youroperating system supports shared interrupts; OS/2 does not.! Try reseating the add-in adapter.The add-in adapter stopped working without apparent cause.! Try reseating the adapter first; then try a different slot if necessary.! The network driver files may be corrupt or deleted. Delete and then reinstall thedrivers.! Run the diagnostics.