Configuring Your System 3-11Security MenuNote: Enabling the Supervisor Password field requiresa password for entering Setup. The passwords are not casesensitive.FeatureChoices orDisplay Only Description Your SettingSupervisorPassword isClear Status only, user cannot modify.Once set, this can be disabled bysetting it to a null string, or byclearing password jumper onsystem board (see System BoardJumpers in this Chapter).User Password is Clear Status only, user cannot modify.Once set, this can be disabled bysetting it to a null string, or byclearing password jumper onsystem board (see System BoardJumpers in this Chapter).Set SupervisorPasswordPress ENTER Supervisor password controlsaccess to the setup utility.When the key is pressed,the user is prompted for apassword; press ESC key toabort. Once set, this can bedisabled by setting it to a nullstring, or by clearing passwordjumper on system board (refer toSystem Board Jumpers in thischapter).Set UserPasswordPress ENTER When the key is pressed,the user is prompted for apassword; press ESC key toabort. Once set, this can bedisabled by setting it to a nullstring, or by clearing passwordjumper on system board (refer toSystem Board Jumpers in thischapter).Password on Boot DisabledEnabledDisables or enables passwordentry on boot.Diskette AccessSecure ModeEveryoneSupervisorControls access to diskette drives.Power SwitchMaskMaskedUnmaskedDetermines whether power switchis masked or unmasked.Option ROMMenu MaskUnmaskedMaskedDetermines whether Option ROMMenu Mask is masked orunmasked.Processor SerialNumberDisabledEnabledDetermines whether ProcessorSerial Number feature is enabledor disabled.