Management Workstation Application B-9! Exit — terminates MWA and closes the connections to all servers.View! Toolbar — displays or hides the toolbar. The toolbar includes buttonsfor some of the most common commands in MWA, such as the Opencommand. When the toolbar is displayed, a check mark appears next tothe menu item.! Status Bar — displays or hides the status bar. The status bar describesthe action to be executed by the selected menu item or depressed toolbarbutton, and information on the current server. When the status bar isdisplayed, a check mark appears next to the menu item.! Summary — opens or closes the Server Summary dialog box. TheServer Summary dialog box displays the IP addresses, server names, andcurrent statuses of all the SG-registered servers on MWA. When theServer Summary dialog box is open, a check mark appears next to themenu item.! History Log — opens or closes the History Log dialog box. The HistoryLog dialog box displays server communications, operator commands,and other events in chronological order. When the Delete button isselected, the Delete Logged Messages dialog box displays. The operatorcan delete all or part of the log. When the History Log dialog box isopen, a check mark appears next to the menu item.Reset/Reboot! Cold Reset — executes a cold reset on a current server.! Warm Reset — command executes a warm reset on a current server.Some types of servers have been set such that a cold reset is executed bythe Warm Reset command. For details, refer to the users guide for themanaged machine.! Wake-up — activates a server whose power is off. The Wake-Upcommand is executed normally under the following conditions. MWAknows the server MAC address as the server has been connected withMWA more than once. OS was terminated normally the last time serverwas active.! Pause at Next Connect — specifies whether to pause POST when acurrent server is connected the next time. When pause is set, a checkmark appears next to the menu item. Note that this setting is valid onlywhen the server is connected the next time and not for later connections.Data! CMOS — displays the CMOS data of a current server in the Data dialogbox. The data can be read only when the server is paused at the end ofPOST.! ESCD — displays the ESCD data of a current server in the Data dialogbox.