1. System BIOSExpress5800/R120f-2E, T120f Maintenance Guide88Chapter 2 Useful FeaturesFor details about the options, see the table below.Option Parameter DescriptionPassword Configuration − −Administrator Password Up to 20alphanumericcharactersWhen the key is pressed, thepassword entry screen to set administrativeright is displayed.This password can be used to access allSETUP menus. Password can be set onlywhen SETUP is started by administrative right.If no password is set, SETUP starts withadministrative right.User Password Up to 20alphanumericcharactersWhen the key is pressed, thepassword entry screen to set user right isdisplayed. With this password, access toSETUP menus is limited. The user passwordcan be set when SETUP is started byadministrative right or user right.Security Configuration − –Password On Boot [Disabled]EnabledEnable or disable the feature that requires apassword entry on boot. This option can beselected when "Administrator Password" isset.Disable USB Ports [None]FrontRearInternalFront + RearFront + InternalRear + InternalFront + Rear + InternalSelect a port to be disabled. Note that the USBkeyboard is enabled only while POST isrunning.Remote Keyboard and Mouse Disabled[Enabled]Enable or disable the remote keyboard andmouse supported by BMC.Trusted Computing – This option is displayed only when the optionalTPM kit is installed and can be selected whenan administrator password has been set.[ ]: Factory setting