Appendix A Contents of show tech-support Command Display166Appendix A Contents of show tech-support Command DisplayAppnedix A.1 Contents of show tech-support Command DisplayThe contents of the show tech-support command displayed for each protocol parameter are shown in the tablebelow.For details on the display contents, see "Operation Commands."[Note]Some of the information displayed by the show tech-support command is not covered in"Operation Commands." Since such information contains internal information of the system, it isnot disclosed to the public.Besides, please note that some information might not display depending on the software version used.(1) IP8800/S6700, IP8800/S6600, and IP8800/S6300The display contents for IP8800/S6700, IP8800/S6600, and IP8800/S6300 are shown in the table below.Table A-1: Details of Display Contents (IP8800/S6700, IP8800/S6600, IP8800/S6300)No. Command (Display) Description NoParameterSpecifiedunicast multicastlayer-21 show version Software version information andhardware information of this systemY Y Y Y2 show license Optional license information Y Y Y Y3 show system System operating status Y Y Y Y4 show environment FAN/power supply/running timeinformationY Y Y Y5 show process cpu CPU use information of process Y Y Y Y6 show process memory Memory use information of process Y Y Y Y7 show cpu days hoursminutes secondsCPU usage Y Y Y Y8 show memory summary Memory use information of system Y Y Y Y9 /sbin/dmesg Event information in kernel Y Y Y Y10 cat /var/run/dmesg.boot Event information in kernel(for Ver.10.5 and later)Y Y Y Y11 cat /var/log/messages Internal information of kernel anddaemonY Y Y Y12 cat /standby/var/run/dmesg.bootEvent information in kernel(for Ver.10.5 and later)Y Y Y Y13 cat /standby/var/log/messagesInternal information of kernel anddaemon (for Ver.10.5 and later)Y Y Y Y14 /usr/local/diag/statShow Kernel internal statistical information Y Y Y Y15 fstat File descriptor information Y Y Y Y16 /usr/local/diag/rtsystat Internal device related information Y Y Y Y17 /usr/local/diag/rtastat Route distribution related information Y Y Y Y