2 GlossaryAPIApplication Programming Interface. An API is a series of functions that programscan use to make the operating system do routine or repetitive tasks. Using WindowsAPIs, for example, a program can open windows, files, and message boxes (as wellas perform more complicated tasks) by passing a single instruction. Windows hasseveral classes of APIs that deal with telephony, messaging, and other issues.APMAdvanced Power Management. An API developed by Intel and Microsoft thatallows developers to include power management in the BIOS. APM defines a layerbetween the hardware and the operating system that effectively shields theprogrammer from hardware details.application programsSoftware designed to perform specific functions or a group of functions, likesolving business or mathematical problems. Examples of applications include wordprocessing, communications, or database management.architectureA general term for the design and construction of computer systems, particularlyhardware, but also operating systems and networks. The circuitry within a chip iscalled its architecture; for example, Intel architecture can refer to a computer basedon the Intel Celsior or other Pentium II chips.archiveCopying one or more files to a different location for long-term data storage,especially for backup and security purposes. Files can then be added to or deletedfrom the archive. Also refers to the location where data is stored.ASICApplication Specific Integrated Circuit. A chip designed for use on a particularcircuit board, or for a very narrow range of use. The digital signal processor chip ona modem is an ASIC.asynchronousRefers to operations that do not require the clocks of communicating devices to becoordinated. Instead, the devices send signals to each other indicating readiness toreceive or send. Compare synchronous.asynchronous cacheThe slowest, most inexpensive type of secondary SRAM cache, running at speedsof 15 to 20 ns.ATAAT Attachment. A standard for connecting hard drives or other devices to an ATbus; synonymous with IDE.AT busThe AT bus system with support chips (DMA, PIC, etc) and a 16-bit bus slot. TheAT bus is strictly defined by ISA.