Preface xiiiPrefaceThis manual contains technical information for servicing and repairing the NECPowerMate® 8100 Desktop Series computers manufactured by NEC ComputerSystems Division, Packard Bell NEC, Inc. The manual contains hardware andinterface information for users who need an overview of system design. Itincludes system setup information, disassembly procedures, and illustrated partslists. The manual is prepared for NEC CSD trained customer engineers, systemanalysts, service center personnel, and dealers.The manual is organized as follows.Section 1 — System Overview, provides an overview of system features andincludes brief descriptions of system components.Section 2 — System Configuration, includes information on system IRQs,jumpers, and BIOS. The section also contains information on video modes andpower management features. Also included is information on system utilities,including the SCSI Select utility, BIOS update utility, LANDesk® ClientManager, and NEC Select Install CD.Section 3 — Disassembly and Reassembly, provides computer disassemblyand reassembly procedures. Procedures are supported by detailed disassemblyillustrations.Section 4 — System Board, includes information on cable and boardconnectors, jumper settings, and upgrade sockets. Also provided is informationon board components, pin assignments, and memory map.Section 5 — Riser Board, provides cable connector information and pinassignments for the riser board installed in the system.Section 6 — Illustrated Parts Breakdown, includes an exploded view diagram(illustrated parts breakdown) and parts lists for field-replaceable parts.Section 7 — Preventive Maintenance, provides recommended maintenanceinformation for maintaining the system in top condition.Section 8 — Troubleshooting, includes information for solving possiblecomputer problems and their solutions.Section 9 — NEC CSD Information Services, lists telephone numbers forobtaining service. The section also includes information on NEC CSD technicalsupport, website, bulletin board system, and FaxFlashSM service.Section 10 — Specifications, provides specifications on the major componentsin the system, including the system board, power supply, and the system unit.Appendix A — Release Notes, provides the latest release notes withinformation about system operation that was unavailable at the time the user’sguide was published.