2-16 System ConfigurationIDE Device Configuration ParametersMenu Item Settings and DescriptionType Settings: None, IDE Removable, ATAPI Removable,CD-ROM, User, Auto (default).Defaults to Auto and changes at boot time based on auto-detection.When set to Auto, the values are auto-set for Cylinders,Heads, Sectors, and Maximum Capacity. The parametersdisplayed are read only.If a drive is run in a mode other than the mode in which itwas partitioned and formatted, unpredictable results mayoccur, including data loss.Cylinders When Type is set to Auto, the value in the Cylinders field isauto-detected and the field is read only.Heads When Type is set to Auto, the value in the Cylinders field isauto-detected and the field is read only.Sectors When Type is set to Auto, the value in the Cylinders field isauto-detected and the field is read only.Maximum Capacity Displays capacity in MB.When Type is set to Auto, the value in the MaximumCapacity field is computed from the auto-detected values inCylinders, Heads, and Sectors. The fields are read only.Multi-Sector Transfers Settings: Disabled, 2 Sectors, 4 Sectors, 8 Sectors, and16 Sectors (default).When Type is set to Auto, the value in the Multi-SectorTransfers field is auto-detected. The field is read only.LBA Mode Control Settings: Disabled, Enabled (default).When Enabled is selected, it causes logical blockaddressing to be used in place of cylinders, heads, andsectors.When Type is set to Auto, the value in the LBA ModeControl field is auto-detected and the field is read only.Transfer Mode Settings: Standard, Fast PIO Mode 1, Fast PIO Mode 2,Fast PIO Mode 3, Fast PIO Mode 4 (default), FPIO3 & BusMastering, FPIO4 & Bus Mastering.When Type is set to Auto, the value in the Transfer Modefield is auto-detected. The field is read only.Ultra DMA Settings: Disabled (default), Mode 0, Mode 1, Mode 2.When Type is set to Auto, the value in the Ultra DMA field isauto-detected. The field is read only.