Glossary 7DIMMDual Inline Memory Module. Circuit board with pins connecting to differentmemory chips on both sides of the board, which allows for wider and faster datatransfer (128-bit). See SIMMs.DMADirect Memory Access. A method for transferring data, usually between memoryand a disk drive, without going through the CPU.DMIDesktop Management Interface. A standard for PCs that allows manipulation of PCcomponents over a network from a centralized location.DRAMDynamic Random Access Memory. Memory used to store data in most computers.DRAM is temporary and must be continually refreshed. It is only active when thecomputer is turned on.driverA software program that enables peripheral devices (for example, printer, monitor,mouse, CD-ROM drive) to work with computers.DVDDigital versatile disc or digital video disc. A type of CD-ROM that holds aminimum of 4.7 GB, enough for a full-length movie. The DVD specificationsupports disks with capacities of from 4.7 GB to 17 GB and access rates of 600Kbps to 1.3 Mbps. One of the features of DVD drives is that they are backward-compatible with CD-ROM disks. This means that DVD players can play old CD-ROMs, CD-I disks, and video CDs, as well as new DVD-ROMs. Newer DVDplayers can also read CD-R disks. DVD uses MPEG-2 to compress video data. SeeMPEG.EECC memoryError Checking and Correcting memory. Advanced type of memory that can findand correct certain types of single-bit memory errors, providing greater dataintegrity. Advanced ECC can correct some double-bit errors.ECPExtended Capabilities Port. A parallel-port standard for PCs that supportsbidirectional communication between the PC and attached devices (such as aprinter). ECP is about 10 times faster than the older Centronics standard. Anothermodern parallel port for PCs that offers similar performance is the EPP (EnhancedParallel Port).EDO memoryExtended Data Out memory. A faster type of asynchronous computer memory thatholds its last-requested data in a cache after releasing it. EDO memory is designedfor use with the Intel Pentium and Pentium II processors.