EnglishEnglish-9Part Names and FunctionsControl Panel1) POWERSwitches the power on/standby.2) MUTESwitches the audio mute ON/OFF.3) INPUTSwitches between input sources.Acts as SET button within the OSD menu.4) PLUS (+)Increases the setting adjustment within OSD menu.5) MINUS (-)Decreases the setting adjustment within OSD menu.6) UP ( )Increases the volume level when the OSD is off.Moves area up to select which setting to is to be adjustedwithin OSD menu.7) DOWN ( )Decreases the volume level when the OSD is off.Moves down to select which setting is to be adjusted withinOSD menu.8) EXITActivates the OSD menu when the OSD menu is off.Exits from the current menu being displayed to theprevious menu within the OSD.9) Remote control sensor and Power indicatorReceives the signal when using the wireless remote control.Glows green when the monitor is active. Glows red whenthe monitor is in Standby mode. Glows Amber when themonitor is in POWER SAVE mode.A red blinking Power indicator means that the monitor hasdetected a failure. Contact qualified personnel in case offailure.10) Main Power SwitchSeesaw switch to turn the main power on/off.Mode Status indicator lightPower On GreenStandby RedPower save AmberDiagnosis(Detecting failure)Red blinking12345678OFFON109NOTE:The POWER button does not completely turn off thedisplay. Use the Main Power Switch to completely turn offthe display.