Installing Printer SoftwareBefore installing your printer driverThe diskette supplied with your printer contains a highquality color and monochromeprinting system in severallanguages for both Windows® 3.1/3.11 and Windows® 95environments.If you are installing using the CD, please follow theinstructions supplied with the NEC Media Sample PakThis advanced printing system includes :• aprinter driver which gives you access to all the printerfeatures through easy-to-use property sheets,• aprinter monitor for easy access to Printing Status andPrinter Care.Aprinter setup utility program, for personalized printersettings under DOS if necessary, is also included in thediskettes.Before installing any printer driver, we stronglyrecommend that you make a back-up copy of the originaldiskette (according to “Terms and conditions of the userlicense” included with the diskettes) and then use thiscopy for the installation procedure. This will allow youto keep the original diskette as a master so that, shouldany problem arise with the backup copy, you can makeanother copy.q Information file (README.TXT)Whenever necessary, latest information on theprinter driver, or instructions updating this manualare included in an information file contained in thediskette(s).If present, the file will automatically be copied into the drivergroup that will be created during driver installation.If you want to check this file directly from the diskette:• under Windows® 3.1/3.11, open it through the “Write”application.• under Windows® 95, open if through the “Wordpad”application, specifying the correct file extension (*.WRI)q System requirements• From Windows® 3.1 up to Windows® 95,• PC 386 or later with at least 4 MBytes of RAM,• 1 MByte of free disk space.