1-4 Technical InformationPower ButtonPress the power button to power on and power off the computer. The power button is a“smart” switch, meaning that it recognizes when the system is in Suspend mode. If in Sus-pend mode, you cannot power off until you press the power button again to bring the sys-tem out of Suspend mode, then you are able to power off.Power and Status LEDsThe Power and Status LEDs are situated right below the LCD. They provide an easy wayto detect system status. Power and Status LEDs (identified by icons) are found to the rightof the Power button and inform you of the status of your system and its components. StatusLEDs have the following meanings and light under the conditions noted:Status LED icons Power – Lets you know that power to the system is turned on. This LED is posi-tioned so that you see the power state whether the LCD panel is opened or closed lights green when the system is powered on. lights amber when battery power is below 10%. flashes amber when battery power is below 5%.! CAUTIONBe sure to save your data immediately when thePower LED turns to yellow, flashes yellow, orthe system beeps. Failure to do so can result indata loss. Hard Disk Drive – Lights when the NEC Versa 2600 writes data to or retrievesdata from the hard disk drive. CD-ROM Reader – Lights when data is read from a compact disc in the CD-ROM drive.APower HardDisk Drive CD-ROMReader DisketteDriveCapsLock NumLock PadLock BatterySOLD BY laptopia2005 DO NOT RESELL!!SOLD BY laptopia2005 DO NOT RESELL!!