Field Service Guidelines 4-21Table 4-2 NEC Versa 2600 Series Field-Replaceable Parts(Models 2630CD, 2635CD, 2650CD, 2655CD, 2650CDT &2655CDT) (cont’d)22. Main Battery (Li-Ion in 133 MHz models)(in 150 MHz models)3RE4D250002133RE4D2500027023. PCMCIA Cover 3RE212950088124. CMOS/Bridge Battery 3RE4D2500014025. CD-ROM Drive 10X 3RE029110016026. PW Assembly HDD Connector 3RE0B1351229027. 3.5-inch, 1.44-MB Diskette Drive 3RE029110015028. Hard Disk Drive1GB1.44GB158-057303-000808-874011-512A29 33.6 U.S. Robotics Modem* 158-057200-00730. Assembly Status and Charger* 3RE0B1351300031. IRDA Assembly* 3RE0B1351228032. Lid, SIMM* 3RE212950081233. Shipping Carton (Brown Box)* 158-041020-00034. Shipping Carton Litho* 158-041032-00035.NEC Versa 2600 User’s Guide* 819-200227-00036.NEC Versa 2600 Series Service and ReferenceManual — Models 2630CD, 2635CD, 2650CD,2655CD, 2650CDT and 2655CDT.*819-200231-000* Not Shown in IPB Figure.This data was prepared April, 1999. For an up-to-date listing of spareparts, please call FaxFlash (888) 329-0088 (international (978) 635-6090) and order document number 42200231.SOLD BY laptopia2005 DO NOT RESELL!!SOLD BY laptopia2005 DO NOT RESELL!!