9W415-1342 / 10.01.14ENWhile the liners must be continuous from the appliance to the chimney cap, toachieve the needed length, they may be coupled, using an approved coupler.We recommend that exhaust vents that pass through unheated spaces,such as tall exterior chimneys, be wrapped in a protective sleeve to minimizecondensation and reverse flow symptoms. See Trouble Shooting for details.This appliance is approved for use with a 3" (76mm) exhaust and air intake.A. OUTSIDE: Slip the one end of a liner a minimum of 2" (51mm) overthe sleeve of the air terminal. Secure using 3 screws. Then seal thejoint and screw heads with high temperature sealant. Repeat withthe other liner.NOTE: We recommend that the other end of the exhaust liner be marked to eliminate theexhaust liner being connected to the intake collar at the appliance.B. Gently stretch the liners to therequired lengths and insert intothe chimney. Trim and fit theflashing plate to suit the chimneytermination. Place the air terminalonto the top of the chimney.Make weather tight by sealingwith caulking (not supplied).Fasten to the chimney withscrews and plugs (not supplied).C. INSIDE: Remove the securingscrew from the front of the ventmounting plate. Pull the ventmounting plate only, back intothe track, to the front stop. Startthe slider back into position. Re-secure the screw. The appliancemay now be pushed into itsfinal position inside the woodburning appliance, and the screwtightened until the slider hasbeen pulled tight to the front stop.D. Route the flex liners throughthe slider. Attach and securethe liners to the vent mounting plate using the same procedure as before, ensuring that the markedexhaust liner is attached to the exhaust collar.FLASHINGPLATE2” (50.8mm)OVERLAPSEALANTHI-TEMPINTAKEEXHAUSTSECURINGSCREWSLIDERMOUNTINGPLATEHIGH TEMPSEALANT2” (50.8mm)OVERLAP3” (76.2mm)LINERSEXHAUSTINTAKEVENT MOUNTASSEMBLYSAFETY BARRIER3.2 CHIMNEY CONNECTIONChimney installation must conform to both national and local code requirements. The chimney must be linedwith one 3" (76mm) diameter liner for intake and one 3" (76mm) diameter liner for exhaust. The minimum andmaximum vent lengths are 10 ft (3m) and 35 ft (11m) respectively.Recommended kits come in 3 lengths:2-3" DOUBLE PLY ALUMINUM LINER-INLET AND EXHAUST:GDI-320KT VENT KIT 20FT (6m)GDI-325KT VENT KIT 25 FT (7m)GDI-335KT VENT KIT 35 FT (11m)