Appendix C Common QuestionsNational Instruments CorporationC-3VXI-MIO Series User Manualwhile maintaining a high common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR).These methods are outlined in Chapter 4, Signal Connections.9. Can I sample across a number of channels on a VXI-MIO Seriesmodule while each channel is being sampled at a different rate?NI-DAQ features a function called SCAN_Sequence_Setup,which allows for multirate scanning of your analog input channels.Refer to the NI-DAQ Function Reference Manual for PCCompatibles for more details.10. I’m using the DACs to generate a waveform, but I discovered witha digital oscilloscope that there are glitches on the output signal. Isthis normal?When it switches from one voltage to another, any DAC producesglitches due to released charges. The largest glitches occur whenthe most significant bit (MSB) of the D/A code switches. You canbuild a lowpass deglitching filter to remove some of these glitches,depending on the frequency and nature of your output signal. TheVXI-MIO-64E-1 module has built-in reglitchers, which can beenabled through software, on its analog output channels. See theAnalog Output Reglitch Selection section in Chapter 3 for moreinformation about reglitching.11. Can I synchronize a one-channel analog input data acquisitionwith a one-channel analog output waveform generation on myVXI-MIO Series module?Yes. One way to accomplish this is to use the waveform generationtiming pulses to control the analog input data acquisition. To dothis, follow steps a through d below, in addition to the usual stepsfor data acquisition and waveform generation configuration.