SI-INTERBUS User Guide 61Issue Number: 1Safetyinformation Introduction SupportedfeaturesMechanicalinstallationElectricalinstallationGettingstartedAdditionalfeaturesNon-CyclicdataVirtualmenusSI-ApplicationsparametersControl /status word DiagnosticsSingle line setupparameterdescriptionsFull parameterdescriptionsCMD toolsupport filesGlossaryof terms10.2 Dual SI-Applications fittedThis scenario involves two SI-Applications or MCi2x0 modules (or one of each).Consider a drive with the following configuration:• Slot 1 – MCi2x0• Slot 2 - SI-Interbus• Slot 3 - SI-ApplicationsIf a parameter read request comes over Interbus to read Pr 71.08, this will be redirectedto the module in the lowest slot number, i.e. the MCi2x0 in slot 1. The value in _Q08%from slot 1 will be returned.If a parameter read request comes over Interbus to read Pr 101.08, this will be sentstraight to the MCi2x0 in slot 1. The value in _Q08% from slot 1 will be returned.If a parameter read request comes over Interbus to read Pr 161.08, this will be sentstraight to the SI-Applications in slot 3. The value in _Q08% from slot 3 will be returned.If a parameter read request comes over Interbus to read Pr 131.08, this will be sentstraight to slot 2. As there is no appropriate module fitted in slot 2 (i.e. SI-Applications orMCi2x0), an error message will be returned, indicating that the parameter does notexist.When two SI-Applications or MCi2x0 modules (or one of each) is fitted, it is advisable touse the direct slot access parameters to ensure the correct, and intended, module isaccessed.NOTENOTE