74 SI-INTERBUS User GuideIssue Number: 114 Full parameter descriptionsThis section describes the SI-Interbus option module parameters in detail.The following table describes the coding used for the parameter tables in this section.Table 14-1 Parameter type codingThe SI-Interbus setup menu 0 parameters are mirrored in the setup menu 15, 16 or 17for the option module depending on which slot the SI-Interbus is installed in.Bin Binary parameter Displays a binary valueBit Bit parameter 1 bit parameterBU Bit default or unipolarBit parameters with this flag set to 1 are defaulted to 1(On), non-bit parameters with this flag set to 1 areunipolar.Date Date parameter Parameter value is displayed in date format (DD-MM-YY)DE Destination Parameter can be used as a destination parameterFI Filtered Parameter value display is filteredIP IP address Parameter value is displayed in IP address format(www.xxx.yyy.zzz)Mac MAC address Parameter value is displayed as a 48-bit (6 bytes)hexadecimal numberNC Non-copyable Parameter is not copied to or from the NV media cardND No default value Parameter is not modified if default values are loadedPS Power-down save Value is automatically saved in the EEPROM when thedrive enters the under voltage statePT Protected Parameter cannot be used as a destinationRA Rating dependantValue is dependent on the drive power rating,These parameters are not transferred from the NV mediacard if the destination and source drives are differentRO Read-only Parameter is read-onlyRW Read / Write Parameter can be read and written toSMP Slot, Menu, Parameter Parameter value is displayed using the slot/menu/parameter format (s.mm.ppp)Time Time formatted Parameter value is displayed in time format (HH:MM:SS)Txt Text string Parameter value is displayed as text stringUS User save parameterParameter value is saved in EEPROM when a parametersave function is executed (Pr MM.000 = Saveparameters)Ver Version number Parameter value is displayed in version format(ww.xx.yy.zz)