Safetyinformation Introduction ProductInformationSystemdesignMechanicalInstallationElectricalInstallationGettingstarted Optimization Parameters TechnicaldataComponentsizing Diagnostics ULInformationUnidrive M Regen Design Guide 139Issue Number: 47 Getting started7.1 Regen parameter settings7.1.1 Switching frequency Pr 05.018 (Pr 00.041)Set the switching frequency on the Regen drive to the required value(3 kHz default value).A higher switching frequency setting has the following advantages:• Line current ripple at the switching frequency is reduced, givingimproved waveform quality.• Acoustic noise produced by the line inductors is reduced.• Dynamic DC bus voltage response is improved.NIn some cases, setting the switching frequency to a value greater thanthe default 3 kHz results in current derating. Refer to Chapter 10Technical data on page DC bus voltage set pointThe table below defines the DC Bus voltage set point levels, assuming atolerance of ±10 % on the given supply voltage. The minimum value isdefined as the peak input voltage plus some headroom. Headroom isrequired by the drive to allow correct control of the current. It is advisableto set the voltage below the maximum value to give more allowance fortransient voltage overshoots.Table 7-1 DC bus voltage set point - Pr 03.005 (Pr 00.001)The DC bus voltage set point, see Pr 03.005 (Pr 00.001), should be setto a level that is suitable for the AC supply voltage being used. It is veryimportant that the Regen drive DC bus voltage set point Pr 03.005(Pr 00.001) is set above the peak AC supply voltage by at least 50 Vac.7.2 Regen drive sequencingWhen a Regen drive is enabled, it goes through a line synchronizationsequence. During this procedure, test pulses are applied to the incomingline to determine the voltage and phase. When it has been successfullysynchronized to the line, the DC bus voltage controller is enabled andthe DC bus voltage rises to the target voltage.Only when all of these stages have been completed successfully is themotoring drive enabled. If at any time there is a fault, or the Regen driveis disabled, the motoring drive will also be disabled.This sequence of events is important to prevent damage to the Regendrive, motoring drive or external power circuit components.The sequence of events is as follows:Power applied and power removed 400 V system(refer to Figure 4-4 on page 42)Figure 7-1 Single Regen: Single Motoring1. K1 (main supply contactor / isolator / disconnect) is closed withcharging circuit active (K3 closed).2. DC bus charges through the Regen drives Vac inputs L1, L2, L3(charging circuit).3. If the DC Bus > the UV threshold then K2 Regen drive maincontactor and Aux.2a are closed via Regen drives relay, controlterminals 41, 42.4. K3 charging contactor is opened via K2 (Regen drive main contactoras Aux.2b opens) and Aux.3 closes. The Regen drive enable, S1can now be applied.5. The Regen drive and motoring drives can be enabled (enable signalfrom Regen drive to motoring drives active, control terminal 24).6. K1 (main supply contactor / isolator / disconnect) is openedremoving power from the Regen system.7. DC bus discharges to the UV threshold at which point the drive OKrelay becomes in-active. The Regen drives enable is removed.The motoring drives enable signal from Regen drive becomes in-active.8. Regen drive main contactor, K2 is opened via the drive OK relay,control terminals 41, 42. Aux.2a opens informing the drive that theRegen drives main contactor K2 is open.9. K3 charging contactor is closed and Aux.3 opens.Power applied and power removed 400 V system(refer to Figure 4-5 on page 44)Figure 7-2 Single Regen: Multiple Motoring (Unidrive M Rectifier)1. K1 (main supply contactor / isolator / disconnect) is closed withcharging circuit active (K3 closed).2. DC bus charges through Unidrive M Rectifier (charging circuit).3. If the DC Bus > the UV threshold then K2 Regen drive maincontactor and Aux.2a are closed via Regen drives relay, controlterminals 41, 42.Voltage levels DC Bus voltage set-pointSupply voltageVacDefaultVdcMinimumVdc200 350 350400 700 700575 835 835690 1100 1100NOTEK1K3VdcDrive OKK2Aux.3Aux.2aAux.11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8S19K1K3VdcDrive OKK2Aux.3Aux.2aAux.11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8S19Aux.2b