Safetyinformation Introduction ProductInformationSystemdesignMechanicalInstallationElectricalInstallationGettingstarted Optimization Parameters TechnicaldataComponentsizing Diagnostics ULInformation152 Unidrive M Regen Design GuideIssue Number: 49.2 Menu 0: Basic parametersTable 9-4 Unidrive M Regen menu 0 parameter descriptions* Not available on Unidrive M700.Parameter Range() Default() Type00.001 Voltage Set Point {03.005} 0 to VM_DC_VOLTAGE_SET V200 V: 350 Vdc400 V: 700 Vdc575 V: 835 Vdc690 V: 1100 VdcRW Num RA US00.002 Voltage Controller Proportional Gain Kp {03.006} 0 to 65535 4000 RW Num US00.003 Synchronized {03.009} Off (0) or On (1) RO Bit ND NC PT00.004 Voltage Set Point {03.005} 0 to VM_DC_VOLTAGE_SET V200 V: 350 Vdc400 V: 700 Vdc575 V: 835 Vdc690 V: 1100 VdcRW Num RA US00.005 Output Voltage {05.002} 0 to VM_AC_VOLTAGE V RO Num ND NC PT00.006 Not used00.007 Regen Synchronization Mode {03.004} Re-synchronize (0), Delayed Trip (1), Trip (2),Auto-synchronize (3) Re-synchronize (0) RW Txt US00.008 Disable Charge System / Close Contactor {03.007} Off (0) or On (1) RO Bit ND NC PT00.009 Charge System Disabled / Contactor Closed {03.008} Off (0) or On (1) RO Bit ND NC00.010 Power Input 1 {03.010} ±100.0 % 0.0 % RW Num NC00.011 Output Frequency {05.001} ±200.0 Hz RO Num ND NC PT00.012 Current Magnitude {04.001} 0 to VM_DRIVE_CURRENT_UNIPOLAR A RO Num ND NC PT00.013 Active Current {04.002} VM_DRIVE_CURRENT A RO Num ND NC PT00.014 Output Power {05.003} VM_POWER kW RO Num ND NC PT00.015 Reactive Power {03.001} VM_POWER kVAr RO Num ND NC PT00.016 Not used00.017 Reactive Current Reference {04.008} VM_REGEN_REACTIVE % 0.0 % RW Num US00.018 Not used00.019 T7 Analog Input 2 Mode {07.011}4-20mA Low (-4), 20-4mA Low (-3),4-20mA Hold (-2), 20-4mA Hold (-1),0-20mA (0), 20-0mA (1), 4-20mA Trip (2),20-4mA Trip (3), 4-20mA (4), 20-4mA (5), Volt (6)Volt (6) RW Txt US00.020 T7 Analog Input 2 Destination {07.014} 0.000 to 59.999 3.010 RW Num DE PT US00.021 T8 Analog Input 3 Mode {07.015} Volt (6), Therm Short Cct (7), Thermistor (8),Therm No trip (9) Volt (6) RW Txt US00.022to00.028Not used00.029 NV Media Card File Previously Loaded {11.036} 0 to 999 0 RO Num NC PT00.030 Parameter Cloning {11.042} None (0), Read (1), Program (2), Auto (3), Boot (4) None (0) RW Txt NC00.031 Drive Rated Voltage {11.033} 200V (0), 400V (1), 575V (2), 690V (3) RO Txt ND NC PT00.032 Maximum Heavy Duty Rating {11.032} 0.000 to 99999.999 A RO Num ND NC PT00.033 Not used00.034 User Security Code {11.030} 0 to 2147483647 0 RW Num ND NC PT US00.035 Serial Mode* {11.024}8 2 NP (0), 8 1 NP (1), 8 1 EP (2), 8 1 OP (3),8 2 NP M (4), 8 1 NP M (5), 8 1 EP M (6),8 1 OP M (7), 7 2 NP (8), 7 1 NP (9),7 1 EP (10), 7 1 OP (11), 7 2 NP M (12),7 1 NP M (13), 7 1 EP M (14), 7 1 OP M (15)8 2 NP (0) RW Txt US00.036 Serial Baud Rate* {11.025}300 (0), 600 (1), 1200 (2), 2400 (3), 4800 (4),9600 (5), 19200 (6), 38400 (7), 57600 (8),76800 (9), 115200 (10)19200 (6) RW Txt US00.037 Serial Address {11.023} 1 to 247 1 RW Num US00.038 Current Controller Kp Gain {04.013} 0 to 30,000 90 RW Num US00.039 Current Controller Ki Gain {04.014} 0 to 30,000 2,000 RW Num US00.040 Not used00.041 Maximum Switching Frequency {05.018} 3 (1) kHz, 4 (2) kHz, 6 (3) kHz, 8 (4) kHz,12 (5) kHz, 16 (6) kHz 3 (1) kHz RW Txt RA US00.042 Not used00.043 Not used00.044 Not used00.045 Inductor Thermal Time Constant {04.015} 1.0 to 3000.0 89.0 RW Num US00.046 Rated Current {05.007} 0.000 to VM_RATED_CURRENT A Maximum Heavy Duty Rating(Pr 00.032 {11.032}) A RW Num RA US00.047 Not used00.048 User Drive Mode {11.031} Open-loop (1), RFC-A (2), RFC-S (3), Regen (4) Regen (4) RW Txt ND NC PT00.049 User Security Status {11.044} Menu 0 (0), All Menus (1), Read-only Menu 0 (2),Read-only (3), Status Only (4), No Access (5) Menu 0 (0) RW Txt ND PT00.050 Software Version {11.029} 0 to 99999999 RO Num ND NC PT00.051 Action On Trip Detection {10.037} 00000 to 11111 00000 RW Bin US00.052 Reset Serial Communications* {11.020} Off (0) or On (1) Off (0) RW Bit ND NCRW Read / Write RO Read only Num Number parameter Bit Bit parameter Txt Text string Bin Binary parameter FI FilteredND No default value NC Not copied PT Protected parameter RA Rating dependent US User save PS Power-down save DE Destination