Safetyinformation Introduction ProductInformationSystemdesignMechanicalInstallationElectricalInstallationGettingstarted Optimization Parameters TechnicaldataComponentsizing Diagnostics ULInformationUnidrive M Regen Design Guide 77Issue Number: 4Figure 5-2 Fire enclosure baffle construction5.2.6 Electromagnetic compatibilityVariable speed drives are powerful electronic circuits which can causeelectromagnetic interference if not installed correctly with carefulattention to the layout of the wiring.Some simple routine precautions can prevent disturbance to typicalindustrial control equipment.If it is necessary to meet strict emission limits, or if it is known thatelectromagnetically sensitive equipment is located nearby, then fullprecautions must be observed. Refer to the guidelines given in therelevant Unidrive M Power Installation Guide. The DC bus voltage in aRegen system with a 400 V supply is usually 700 V, which correspondsto an AC supply voltage of 519 V. Unless the motor cable is less than10 m long it is recommended that either an inverter-grade motor is usedor else output chokes should be installed to protect the motor from theeffect of the fast-rising output voltage pulses.5.2.7 Hazardous areasThe drive must not be located in a classified hazardous area unless it isinstalled in an approved enclosure and the installation is certified.5.3 Regen component dimensionsThe dimensions listed are for the following items:• Regen inductor• Switching frequency filter inductor• Switching frequency filter capacitor• Varistors• External EMC filter• Combined regen input filters5.3.1 Regen inductorWhen installing the following Regen inductors into the system, ensure noenclosures are fitted directly around the inductors thereby preventing airflow and natural cooling.All Regen inductors can be mounted in the base of the enclosure asshown in Figure 5-6, with relevant details in Table 5-1, Table 5-2 andTable 5-3.Regen inductors which are only suitable for base mounting i.e. not backpanel mounting as shown in Figure 5-7, are highlighted with an *Table 5-1, Table 5-2 and Table 5-3.Isolation deviceThe AC supply must be disconnected from the drive using anapproved isolation device before any cover is removed fromthe drive or before any servicing work is performed.Stored chargeThe drive contains capacitors that remain charged to apotentially lethal voltage after the AC supply has beendisconnected. If the drive has been energized, the ACsupply must be isolated at least ten minutes before workmay continue.Normally, the capacitors are discharged by an internalresistor. Under certain, unusual fault conditions, it is possiblethat the capacitors may fail to discharge, or be preventedfrom being discharged by a voltage applied to the outputterminals. If the drive has failed in a manner that causes thedisplay to go blank immediately, it is possible the capacitorswill not be discharged. In this case, consult the supplier of thedrive or their authorised distributor.N o t l e s st h a n 2 X B a f f l e p l a t e s ( m a y b ea b o v e o r b e l o w b o t t o mo f e n c l o s u r e )XB o t t o m o f f i r ee n c l o s u r eNot lessthan 2times ‘X’ Baffle plates (may be above orbelow bottom of enclosure)Bottom of fire enclosureXWARNINGWARNINGThe following Regen inductors can produce significant losseswith a normal operating temperature in the region of 150 °Cdependant upon the ambient temperature. Location of theRegen inductor should be considered to avoid damage toheat sensitive components or create a fire risk.CAUTIONNOTENOTE