Technical Notes156Monitor is hardto read150154123Can not adjustzoom 106ProblemNo photo istaken whenshutter-releasebutton is fullypressed19192415813Photos are toodark (underex-posed)642116269Photos are toobright (overex-posed)69Photos are outof focus11024161Photos areblurred53Can not changelens angle 21Picture is inmonitor isupside down49,68• Ambient lighting is too bright: use viewfinder or move to adarker location or use optional HL-CP10 LCD hood.• Monitor is dirty.• Display options require adjustment.• Fisheye1 or Fisheye2 is selected for Lens option in shoot-ing menu.Possible cause• Battery is exhausted.• Message “Out of memory” displayed: not enough memoryremaining.• Flash-ready lamp flickers: flash is charging.• Message “Card is not formatted” displayed: memory card isnot formatted for use in COOLPIX4500.• Message “No card present” displayed: no memory card incamera.• Flash is off.• Flash window is blocked.• Subject is outside range of flash.• Exposure compensation is too low.• Exposure compensation is too high.• Subject was not in focus area when shutter-release buttonwas pressed halfway.• Autofocus lamp flickers: camera unable to focus.• Manual focus distance does not match distance to subject.Camera shook during shot: increase shutter speed. If shutterspeed can not be increased without underexposure, use theflash ( 61), raise sensitivity (ISO equivalency; 70), or se-lect a larger aperture ( 54). To minimize blur at low shutterspeeds, use the Best-Shot Selector (BSS; 98), use the self-timer ( 58), or use a tripod.• Lens rotation is limited by swivel limit switch.Lens section rotated to point in same direction as monitor atsetting of Ultra HS, Movie, Panorama Assist, or MultipleExposure (image will also be inverted during playback).