87Menu Guide—Index to Menu OptionsAUTO TRANSFERSelect images for transfer toa computer.147–148Selected PhotosAll PhotosSelect pictures.SET-UP Menu (Playback Mode)The options below can be accessed from both the playback and shooting menus.BRIGHTNESSIncrease or lower monitorbrightness.1225 levelsSHUTTER SOUNDControl beep produced toconfirm operations.127OnOffNoFormatCF CARD FORMATFormat memory cards for usein the COOLPIX4500.128DATESet time and date.129Year, Month, Day, hour,minute, order of displayfor year, month, and dayVIDEO MODEChoose the standard for vid-eo output.130NTSCPALLANGUAGEChoose the language in whichmenus and messages will bedisplayed. 130Es (Spanish)De (German)En (English)Fr (French)(Japanese)