The options in the retouch menu are used to create trimmed,resized, or retouched copies of the photographs on the memorycard. The following options are available (options displayed maydiffer if My menu is selected for the CSM/Setup menu option inthe setup menu; _ 80). See "Using Camera Menus" (_ 63) formore information on using tile menus.Option Description !_D-lightm_"_ Brighten dark or back-lit subjects or produce effects similar to the flash. 90Red-eyecorrection_ Correct "red-eye" caused by the flash, glTrim Create cropped copies of existing photographs. 91Monochrome_ Copy pictures in black-and-white, sepia, or cyanotype. 92Filter effects_ Create copies with color filter effects. 92Smallpicture Create small copies of existing photographs. 92-93Image overlay Combine two RAW photographs into a single image. 94-95Not available with photographs taken with Black-and-white sdected for Optimize image.Except in ti_e case of Image overlay, the photographs to be retouched can be selected infull-flame playback or from the retouch menu. In full-flame playback:1@Display photo in fuji-frame playback (_ 20, 50).324@Highlight menu item. _Image overlay is not available during full frame playback.@Display retouch menu.@Display retouch options.?If sub-menu is displayed, repeat Steps 2 3 to select options from sub-menu. To exit to full-frameplayback without creating modified copy, press _ button.Itetr_ucMng CopiesWith the exception of images created using Small picture, the options in the retouch menu can beapplied to existing copies, although this may result in loss of quality. Each retouch option car/how-ever only be applied once.ImageQuali_Small picture creates JPEG Fine copies (1:4 compression ratio). Image overlay creates copies at thecurrent image quality setting. Other options copy RAW photos as JPEG Fine quality images; savewhere otherwise noted, copies created from RAW photos are 3,008×2,000 pixds in size.MenuGuide/CreatingRetouchedCopies:TheRetouchMenu 89