Creating Retouched Copies: The Retouch MenuTrimCreate cropped copies of selected photographs.A preview of the portion of the photograph to be copied isdisplayed. The following operations can be performed.0 ptionReduce the portionto be copiedIncrease the portionto be copiedView other areas ofimageCreate copyUseqe[]®OK_uDescriptionEachtime _ is pressed,the portion to be copiedis reduced in the preview image.Eachtime _II_ is pressed,the portion to be:oDied s increased in tile preview image.While _)no[ois zoomed in, pressthe multi selectorJD aowl left, or right to view areasof image notvisible _"me monitor.Savethe area currently visible in the monitor asaseparate file and exit to full-frame playback.[] Image Quality and SizeCopies created from NEF (RAW) or NEF (RAW) + JPEG photographs have an image quality (fW_50) ofJPEG Fine; cropped copies created from JPEG photographs have tile same image quality as thesource images. Depending on tile size of the crop, tile copy may be 2,560 x 1,920, 1,920 x 1,440,1,280 x 960, 9dO x 720, or d40 x 480 pixels in size (IW_50).MonochromeChoose from Black-and-white, Sepia, and Cyanotype (blue and white monochrome).Black-and-white_- Create black-and-white copies of selected photographs.-_ SepiaCreate sepia copies of selected photographs.Create blue-tinted monochrome copies of selected photographs.Selecting Sepia or Cyanotype displays a preview of the selectedimage; press the multi selector up to increase color saturation,down to decrease. Press OK[ to create a monochrome copy andreturn to full-frame playback.134[] Image Quality and SizeRetouched copies are recorded at the same image quality and size settings as those of the sourceimages. However, if the source image was taken at an image quality setting of RAW or RAW+B,copies have an image quality of JPEG Fine and an image size of 3,872 x 2,592.