Releasing the Shutter[] Continuous ModeWhen shooting conditions demand firing of the flash, continuous shooting is disabled even when(Continuous) is selected for Release mode. Select _ or change flash mode ([] 65) to turn tileflash off.[] The Number of Shots Remaining before Memory Buffer FillsThe approximate number of images that carl be recorded to the _|lmmemory buffer, while maintaining the maximum frame rate, is shownin the viewfinder's number of shots remaining before memory bufferfills display while the shutter-release button is held down. The exampleat right shows that at least 11 more images carl be recorded without interruption. In continuousmode, shooting will continue to a maximum of 100shots, although the frame rate will drop when_"d I"d[r uu] is displayed in the exposure-count display. The number of exposures remaining displayed isapproximate. The number may vary depending upon shooting conditions. See"Memory CardCapacity and Image Quality/Size" ([] 178)for more information regarding tile number ofphotographs that carl be recorded in tile memory buffer.Self-Timer and Remote Control ModesThe self-timer or optional Wireless Remote Control ML-L3 can be used for self-portraits.1 Mount the camera on a tripod or place the camera on a stable, level surface.2 Highlight Release mode in the Quick settings display ([J_ 48) and select one ofthe following release modes.At default settings, Self-timer is selected for Custom Setting 11 (®/Fn button; [] 112),andtile length of the self-timer delay carl be changed by simply pressing _/Fn.Release mode Description......... I .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Shutter releasedabout ten seconds after camera has_)10S Self-timer focused. The length of self-timer delay carl be changed([] 114).Shutter releasedabout two seconds after camera has_S Delayed remote focused.Quick-response remote Shutter releasedwhen camera focuses.3 Frame the photograph.If tile remote control is used with tile camera in autofocus mode, presstile shutter-releasebutton halfway to focus.The shutter will not be released.¢'htotoototo55