1993 Select an exposure increment.Pressing the BKT button and rotate the sub-command dial tochoose the exposure increment.At default settings, the size of the increment can be chosenfrom 0.3 (1/3 ), 0.7 (2/3), 1, 2, and 3 EV. The bracketing programswith an increment of 0.3 ( 1/3) EV are listed below.Note that for exposure increments of 2 EV or more, themaximum number of shots is 5; if a higher value was selectedin Step 2, the number of shots will automatically be set to 5.Exposure incrementBKT button Sub-commanddialInformation displayInformation display No. ofshots Bracketing order (EVs)0 03 0/+0.3/+0.73 0/–0.7/–0.32 0/+0.32 0/–0.33 0/–0.3/+0.35 0/–0.7/–0.3/+0.3/+0.77 0/–1.0/–0.7/–0.3/+0.3/+0.7/+1.09 0/–1.3/–1.0/–0.7/–0.3/+0.3/+0.7/+1.0/+1.3